2024.03.05 (화)

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기상청 제공


2019 대한비만대사외과학회 추계국제학술대회

9월 20일 ~ 21일, 롯데호텔(소공동)

2019 International Conference of KSMBS


일시: 2019-09-20 ~ 2019-09-21 
장소: 롯데호텔(소공동)

Welcome Message

 Dear Researchers, Colleagues, and Friends,

 On behalf of the Organizing Committee and members of the Korean Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (KSMBS), I welcome you all to the 2019 International Conference of the Korean Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (2019 KSMBS), which will be held in Seoul, Korea, from September 20 (Friday) to 21 (Saturday), 2019.

 In 2019, The National Health Insurance coverage for bariatric and metabolic surgery began in Korea. However, despite ample evidence supporting the necessity and importance of bariatric and metabolic surgery, it has not been able to fulfill its role in part because of the huge cost barrier in Korea. The attention of patients and researchers worldwide is now focused on the activity of KSMBS. The KSMBS has fully prepared for the safety and efficacy standards by building an accreditation system for institutions and surgeons and accumulating reliable academic data. The KSMBS is ready to provide stable treatment for obesity and related metabolic diseases. Based on these points, metabolic and bariatric surgery in Korea is expected to make great progress in both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

 I cordially invite all prospective participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research experience. I believe that 2019 KSMBS will provide a meaningful opportunity for distinguished experts worldwide to share useful information on the latest metabolic and bariatric surgery, in parallel with conventional surgical techniques. In addition, given the fascinating ancient traditions and ultramodern atmosphere, the city of Seoul will surely be a location for many unforgettable memories. 

 I look forward to meeting you all at this conference and express my gratitude to the committee members and staff for their continued time and effort that make this meeting successful. 

Joo-Ho Lee, M.D., PhD.
 Korean Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
